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Intermediate Bellydance - February (all)

Once your Fundamentals are solid, add this class to your schedule!

Starts Feb 4
50 US dollars
Sacred Shimmy Studio

Available spots

Service Description

This class is designed for the student who has spent some time studying Fundamentals and is ready to develop their technique, movement vocabulary, and improvisation skills. We'll continue to practice sassy shimmies, build serpentine undulations, and learn more moves and combos to add to the cool stuff you've already learned. We'll also start studying Group Improvisation, a cool way to create dances with other people without ever having to say a word. Instructor Angie Never will lead you through precise instruction, drills, and combos to help you develop a strong foundation for your practice and performance. The complete Intermediate series is 6 months long and starts twice a year, in January and July. You can consider transitioning to Intermediate class when you have been through Slow & Fast Fundamentals twice each, you can match the name of the move to the movement with about 80% accuracy, you can keep your arms in proper posture for the duration of a three-minute song, and you're excited for a new challenge! Not sure if you're ready? Hit me up and let's talk about it. Choose to register for the whole month for a discount or pick classes individually (see separate listing). This class is available in person at Sacred Shimmy Studio, live on Zoom, or on demand via recording. Please indicate when you register whether you plan to attend in person or online. All classes are recorded, and all participants will have access to the recordings after class. Bellydance Columbus Ohio

Cancellation Policy

All class passes are non-refundable and non-transferable. Cancellation to any regularly scheduled class will be announced on Angie Never's Facebook page, the Sacred Shimmy Studio Facebook page, and in the Sacred Shimmy Studio Dance Discussion Group. Classes will be automatically moved to online in the event of a Level One Snow Emergency in Franklin County.

Contact Details

  • 4875 Hendron Road, Groveport, OH, USA


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